BHF Membership

Membership Categories

Membership is open to all interested persons.

BHF offers you the best opportunity to impact lives and contribute to improved population health.

You simply need to sign up and you will have joined a force of Busoga health and non-health professionals on an open and inclusive platform as a focal point to maintain visibility, solutions and action on the health problems in the Busoga sub-region and beyond. Please, say YES and choose a category of membership you prefer and become part of this great journey to a Busoga that is healthy and thriving.

Membership Fees and Categories

Individuals:  UGX 100,000. 

Institutions: UGX 500,000

Life membership: UGX 1,000,000 

Please Note: You are encouraged to visit our donation page here for further support.

Membership Benefits

  1. Participating in our weekly continuous development sessions as an individual or an institution.
  2. Certificate and BHF membership card upon registering
  3. Discounted and preferential benefits from the services provided by BHF partners
  4. Collective Voice to engage and influence Government and other stakeholders on issues of health.
  5. Sharing, Learning and Networking through the BHF platform that fosters reflection space and open debate on important issues for engagement.
  6. Representation of members’ views and interests in lobbying for relevant change at regional, national, and international levels.
  7. Participation and involvement in strategy development and decision making to shape the direction of the organization in relation to influence decisions on BHF policies, priorities, and actions including attending the General Meeting.
  8. Opportunity to stand for election to BHF Governance Organs such as the Board.
  9. Eligibility to vote and be elected to serve on the BHF governance committee and Board of Trustees
  10. Opportunity to get involved in various BHF activities in one’s own community.